
Operation Guyana

In his departing words to his disciples, Jesus instructed them to go into the whole world and share the saving news of his death and resurrection. JBCoC suuports the work of missionary, Steve DeLoach. Members from the Jacksonville Beach Church of Christ have taken the good news of Jesus Christ to Guyana, South America by participating in medical missions and financial support.

Website: www.guyana-missions.org

Email Steve DeLoach: sdeloach@guyana-missions.org

Nigeria, West Africa

The Jacksonville Beach Church of Christ supports mission work done in Nigeria, Africa. Steve Worley and his family serve as full-time missionaries of the Church of Christ and live and work among the 52 million Muslims in Northern Nigeria.

Email Steve Worley: sworley98@yahoo.com

Mt. Dora Children's Home

The Jacksonville Beach Church of Christ supports the work done at Mt. Dora Children’s Home through participation in various fund-raising events throughout the year. The three residential group cottages on their campus serve to shelter, teach and nurture children under the age of 18 who have been abused, abandoned, and neglected. After reaching the age 18, an independent living program is offered to those children who have successfully completed the residential group program.

Website: www.MDCHome.org

Pictures from mission work